Ukrainian scientific and practical specialized journal
The journal is intended for health care professionals.
The journal is published since August 2000
Founders: SI "L.T. Mala National Institute of Therapy NAMS of Ukraine", SI "Institute of Gastroenterology NAMS Ukraine", PE "INPOL LTM"
ISSN: 1727-5725 (Print), 2521-649X (Online)
Registration certificate: ÊÂ ¹16647-5119ÏÐ issued 21.05.2010
The journal is certified by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles
Annex 8 to the Order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine No.1328 issued 21.12.2015
Publisher: "VIT-À-POL" LLC
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Format: À4 (205õ290mm)
Number of pages: 120–136
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Print quality: lithographic printing, chalk overlay paper, laminated cover, colour insertions and illustrations, monochromic body
Circulation: one issue – 2000 copies, general annual – 12000 copies
Subscription index: 21962